Did you know that we all need to absorb certain metal elements, in order to thrive? Did you know that one of these is copper. Yes, copper is essential to life, so imagine what a difference a copper insole will make.
It makes no difference which part†of the body the copper comes into contact with as the benefits from the copper will be absorbed by the skin and then circulated right throughout the body to relieve pain.
Copper is an essential trace mineral present in all body tissues. Copper, along with iron, helps in the formation of red blood cells. It also helps in keeping the blood vessels, nerves, immune system, and bones healthy.
Copper has been used as a medicine for thousands of years including the treatment of chest wounds and the purifying of drinking water. More recently, research has indicated that copper helps prevent inflammation in arthritis and similar diseases.
Virtually every cell in the body utilises copper, and together with iron and zinc, copper makes up the trio of minerals essential to our wellbeing. Copper is vital to the health of the body from fetal development right through to old age. Quite simply without copper our brains, nervous systems and cardiovascular systems could not function normally.
As our ability to naturally absorb copper is reduced with age we need to supplement our diets more. As our bones get more brittle, copper helps to keep them strong and cope with the additional pressures of getting older.
Although you could fit the monthly dietary allowance of copper onto a pin head, it is essential to a healthy life.
The amount of copper found in the human body (50-120 milligrams) would probably fit on the head of a pin, but such a tiny quantity doesn't prevent this mighty mineral from performing impressive feats to promote optimal health.
There is ever increasing scientific evidence that copper has anti-inflammatory properties; the copper is absorbed by the skin which gives relief to Arthritis and general joint pain.
Virtually every cell in the body utilizes copper, and together with iron and zinc, copper makes up the trio of minerals essential to our wellbeing. Copper is vital to the health of the body from fetal development right through to old age. Quite simply without copper our brains, nervous systems and cardiovascular systems could not function normally.
We need copper to activate the enzymes which catalyze certain biochemical reactions. Without copper, these enzymes remain inactive and this permits certain diseases to gain hold.
Copper is a KEY ingredient in our health.